//2019 / Salone Satellite
"Meneghina" (literaly "from Milan") is a table desk that, as the name suggests, has some elements that refers to the city of Milan and to the movement of futurism that in Milan was born. Shapes and colors are carefully mixed to give dynamism to a desk that, like a stylized city, contains a harmonious complexity.
The desk has also a chair whose shape was inspired by the shape of Duomo Cathedral in Milan.
"Meneghina" è una scrivania che, come dice il nome stesso, strizza l'occhio alla città di Milano e al movimento del futurismo.
Forme e colori si mischiano per dare dinamismo ad una scrivania che, come una città stilizzata, racchiude una armonica complessità.
La scrivania si compone poi di una sedia la cui forma è ispirata alla cattedrale del Duomo di Milano.
//2009 / Staatliche Akademie der Bildenen Künste Stuttgart
Topina is a lamp thought for children.It is a playful lamp: when the light is turned off it looks like a big piece of cheese made of yellow plexiglass.When the lamp is illuminated, silhouettes of mice appear made from black stickers placed on the inner surface.Safety was a priority in the design of the lamp as it is intended for children.
Topina è una lampada disegnata per i bambini.
E' una lampada giocosa e divertente: quando la luce è spenta sembra un grosso pezzo di formaggio fatto di plexiglass giallo. Quando invece la luce è accesa, compaiono le silhouette di tre topini.
All' interno della lampada infatti ci sono delle sagome nere che creano questo effetto.
Considerando che la lampada sarà a contatto con i bambini, ho curato molto la sicurezza, nascondendo bene la lampadina e i fili.
//2009 / Staatliche Akademie der Bildenen Künste Stuttgart
Topina is a lamp thought for children.It is a playful lamp: when the light is turned off it looks like a big piece of cheese made of yellow plexiglass.When the lamp is illuminated, silhouettes of mice appear made from black stickers placed on the inner surface.Safety was a priority in the design of the lamp as it is intended for children.
Topina è una lampada disegnata per i bambini.
E' una lampada giocosa e divertente: quando la luce è spenta sembra un grosso pezzo di formaggio fatto di plexiglass giallo. Quando invece la luce è accesa, compaiono le silhouette di tre topini.
All' interno della lampada infatti ci sono delle sagome nere che creano questo effetto.
Considerando che la lampada sarà a contatto con i bambini, ho curato molto la sicurezza, nascondendo bene la lampadina e i fili.
//2009 / Staatliche Akademie der Bildenen Künste Stuttgart
Topina is a lamp thought for children.It is a playful lamp: when the light is turned off it looks like a big piece of cheese made of yellow plexiglass.When the lamp is illuminated, silhouettes of mice appear made from black stickers placed on the inner surface.Safety was a priority in the design of the lamp as it is intended for children.
Topina è una lampada disegnata per i bambini.
E' una lampada giocosa e divertente: quando la luce è spenta sembra un grosso pezzo di formaggio fatto di plexiglass giallo. Quando invece la luce è accesa, compaiono le silhouette di tre topini.
All' interno della lampada infatti ci sono delle sagome nere che creano questo effetto.
Considerando che la lampada sarà a contatto con i bambini, ho curato molto la sicurezza, nascondendo bene la lampadina e i fili.
//2011 / Nokia
Nokia slice is a concept that aims to turn page in the mobile communication realm.
The mobile device is composed of customizable and removable pages, that give the user all the needs in one slim and flexible electronic device.
The pages of Nokia slice work independently which gives the user the possibility to use more then one application at the same time. The flexibility of the pages allows a new tactile interface.
This concept has been patented by Nokia with an international patent
Nokia slice è un concept innovativo per un nuovo modo di comunicare con la telefonia mobile.
Questo nuovo cellulare è composto da pagine personalizzabili e rimuovibili per consentire all' utente di portare con sè tutte le applicazioni in un sottile e flessibile apparecchio elettronico.
Le pagine di Nokia slice funzionano in modo indipendente e questo offre la possibilità all' utente di usare più applicazioni contemporaneamente.
Avere un cellulare flessibile e sottile è comodo e permette di avere una nuova interfaccia grafica e tattile.
Questo concept è stato brevettato nel 2011 da Nokia con un brevetto internazionale
//2019 / Salone Satellite
"Meneghina" (literaly "from Milan") is a table desk that, as the name suggests, has some elements that refers to the city of Milan and to the movement of futurism that in Milan was born. Shapes and colors are carefully mixed to give dynamism to a desk that, like a stylized city, contains a harmonious complexity.
The desk has also a chair whose shape was inspired by the shape of Duomo Cathedral in Milan.
"Meneghina" è una scrivania che, come dice il nome stesso, strizza l'occhio alla città di Milano e al movimento del futurismo.
Forme e colori si mischiano per dare dinamismo ad una scrivania che, come una città stilizzata, racchiude una armonica complessità.
La scrivania si compone poi di una sedia la cui forma è ispirata alla cattedrale del Duomo di Milano.
//2019 / Salone Satellite
"Meneghina" (literaly "from Milan") is a table desk that, as the name suggests, has some elements that refers to the city of Milan and to the movement of futurism that in Milan was born. Shapes and colors are carefully mixed to give dynamism to a desk that, like a stylized city, contains a harmonious complexity.
The desk has also a chair whose shape was inspired by the shape of Duomo Cathedral in Milan.
"Meneghina" è una scrivania che, come dice il nome stesso, strizza l'occhio alla città di Milano e al movimento del futurismo.
Forme e colori si mischiano per dare dinamismo ad una scrivania che, come una città stilizzata, racchiude una armonica complessità.
La scrivania si compone poi di una sedia la cui forma è ispirata alla cattedrale del Duomo di Milano.
//2019 / Salone Satellite
"Meneghina" (literaly "from Milan") is a table desk that, as the name suggests, has some elements that refers to the city of Milan and to the movement of futurism that in Milan was born. Shapes and colors are carefully mixed to give dynamism to a desk that, like a stylized city, contains a harmonious complexity.
The desk has also a chair whose shape was inspired by the shape of Duomo Cathedral in Milan.
"Meneghina" è una scrivania che, come dice il nome stesso, strizza l'occhio alla città di Milano e al movimento del futurismo.
Forme e colori si mischiano per dare dinamismo ad una scrivania che, come una città stilizzata, racchiude una armonica complessità.
La scrivania si compone poi di una sedia la cui forma è ispirata alla cattedrale del Duomo di Milano.

//2012 / Politecnico di Milano
Master Thesis 2012 / Politecnico di Milano
Supervisor: Professor Anna Meroni
My thesis work comes from the desire to experiment which kind of innovative tools a product-service designer could bring to politics.
I’ve always been fascinated by politics and, considering the particular historical moment in which we live characterized by a great disaffection with public administrations, I tried to give a design response for the definition of a new participatory tool that can be adopted at local level.
In particular I focused on the city of Monza, the city where I come from and where I saw personally during the last elections the desire for participation expressed by citizens. In addition to this, new technologies are radically changing communication and policy, and designers should contribute actively to the development of new tools for political participation, preventing that the alienation would turn into pessimism but favoring instead a desire for redemption.
Now is the time to give form to public participation, with well-designed tools that can give voice to citizens in the decision-making processes of the city, reducing the distance between them and politicians.
In our cities the sense of community is increasingly diminishing but we should try to rediscover it.
My project comes from the need to create a new participatory system in which administrators and citizens work together, and
together take care of the common good, sharing the deliberations and the priorities to work on. Online and offline tools must be integrated with each other considering all their potential for the creation of a new conception of politics.
The project that I developed starts with the analysis of exisiting case studies and participatory techniques and generates a scenario in which political participation will fire citizens in the management of their city.
The new service system starts with a web platform in which citizens can find a “participatory tree”: a virtual tree of the City in which each branch represents one area of interests, each leaf is an open discussion that can generate then flowers (open meetings) and fruits (final citizens’ deliberations).
After the creation of the web platform, I designed and experimented one participatory technique.
I collected online citizens’ ideas about one specific issue and I included those ideas in a board game that I designed. The board game was designed with the purpose of forcing people to have a proactive listening and a consensus building approach. In this way it was possible to multiply the options, after considering all the different points of view.
This part of my project brought to very interesting outcomes, proving the interest of people in new forms of participatory politics.