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aquarium on board

//2011 / Politecnico di Milano
Acquario di Genova is a very special experience in a beautiful city.

What if we free the content from its box and start thinking about Mohammed and the mountain? What if we overcome the geographical saturation by bringing the aquarium to the world?
In this project it was crucial to consider the assets and the partnerships of the aquarium, which is part of Costa edutainment, the same of the famous fleet of cruise ships. What about taking advantage of it? Aquarium on board is a new cruise experience: a cruise ship hosting a special, still reduced, aquarium di genova on board.


First of all offering special shows to the cruise guests.

Secondly, and especially, bringing the acquarium all around the world.

At every cruise stop, in fact, while the cruise guest will land and visit the surroundings, the ship will open the doors of the aquarium on board to locals.
The aquarium on board will generate profit for both Acquario di Genova and Costa, in different ways.
First of all it means new revenues, considering also that the initial investment will be helped by the pre existing assets.

Secondly it will increase the fame of both the parteners.

Thirdly, it will be an effective advertisement for the acquarium, inviting people to come and enjoy the whole aquarium experience.
Last but not least it will open the chance of profitable partnerships with hosting cities and harbours, local marine and entertainment activities.


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